It's very probable that some of these apps will already be implemented by the time I finish this post, but let me give it a shot anyway...
- Direct podcast download on the device. Why not? We already can download/buy apps and music without connecting the iPhone to a computer. Adding podcast support should be easy. Or that's what I want to believe...
- SIP-compatible VoIP. I'm pretty sure that Gizmo5 (formerly known as Gizmo Project) will pop up really soon. Skype is good, SIP compatibility is better.
- SSH client. Running in the background with port-forwarding support (= tunneling) would be a delight.
- iChat. I'm pretty sure it'll never exist, but any GoogleTalk-compatible IM app will cover my needs. My secret hope is an iPhone-port of Adium. Background-running pretty pretty please with sugar on top.
- sketch-and-mail. Not an official name :) I actually use something similar on my Treo. Draw something on a white background and send it via email. Silly, yet sometimes useful.
- nmap. Ah, well....
- kismet/netstumbler. Ahem... *avoiding eye contact*
- Wireshark. Ummm.... *whistling nonchalantly*
- Location-aware "automator". This would be great. When in location [X], do [action Y]. Example: when I'm in my house, connect to my wireless network.
- Location-aware task manager. If in ["super market"], then remind about ["buy grocery"].
- Router/AP software. This already exists for Symbian and Windows Mobile. The device becomes a wireless access point that connects to the Internet via 3G cellular telephony.
- Terminal and MacPorts. These would immediately multiply the number of available apps on the iPhone by hundreds, but I don't think they're coming any time soon... :(
2 σχόλια:
Location-aware task manager. If in ["super market"], then remind about ["buy grocery"].
Υπάρχει ήδη. Είναι το OmniFocus.
Με πρόλαβε ο georgeadams. Όμως δε γνωρίζω αν η διαδικασία 'remind' στο OminFocus είναι αυτοματοποιημένη στο στυλ του iCal alarm.
Some more cute apps here. Periodic table, star map, MRI viewer, genetic decoder, RPN calculator, etc.
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