Πέμπτη, Ιουλίου 24, 2008

My favourite webcomics

Let's share a bit...

  • UserFriendly.org : the heroes work for an ISP, you know, developers, tech support, marketing. 'nuff said. My favourite by far! Start reading from the start, so that you can get some runninng gags. Dust Puppy rulez!
  • PvP : everyday life in a magazine covering video games. Even more running gags and inside jokes.
  • Joy of Tech : although Mac-focused, has a unique realistic approach, not afraid to spank the fanboy culture. Highly recommended!
  • Nodwick : Parody of table RPGs! The adventure group's all-carrying henchman is the main character. How do you disarm a fireball-throwing trap? Toss in the henchman!
  • XKCD : A favourite over at digg.com. Sometimes TOO geeky, but damn clever humour.
  • Piled Higher and Deeper = PHD Comics : Post-graduate students. It makes me feel awkward when I notice the similarities with my academic life...
  • Indexed : diagrams are fun! Amazingly original form of comic art.
  • Penny Arcade : crude, teen gamer humour.
  • Dueling Analogs : another webcomic focusing on video games. Slightly cleaner humour.
  • Calvin and Hobbes : the imaginary tiger-friend awakens the child inside me.
  • Garfield : no need for introduction. Me likes food.
  • Snoopy : aaaahhh... come on... you know this one...

How did I ever manage to forget the completely surreal (and unpronounceable by mere mortals) Wulffmorgenthaler? Freaky humour by the truckload. Highly recommended!

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